Our University Achieved a First in Horizon2020
10 February 2021 | 14:37


Benefiting from Horizon2020 support and trainings, Our University was awarded 2.39 Million Euros by the European Commission for the applications made in the Contribution Fund for Scholarship Programmes (COFUND) within the scope of the “Marie Sklodowska-Curie Scholarship and Circulation Grants” field under the Contribution Fund for Scholarship Programmes (COFUND). 

The project eligible for funding in the call; A2M2TECH, of which our university is the coordinator, has been funded under COFUND, a highly competitive programme. Our University has achieved the success of becoming the first university to be supported in this programme.

What is Horizon2020?
Horizon2020 is a research and innovation programme run by the European Commission with a budget of approximately 76 billion Euros. Within the scope of Horizon2020, projects in various areas that the European Commission has provided grant support were supported until 2020. The coordination of the European Union's Horizon2020 programme for R&D and Innovation activities in Turkey is carried out by TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey).

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